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Channing Tatum has adopted a puppy. Madonna refused to work with David Guetta because he was a Scorpio. Sharon Stone says her dating life is "like a comedy". Prince William says Prince George is like a "caged animal" when he can't go outside. Jade Thirlwall had therapy for her nerves. Alex Pettyfer and Toni Garrn have tied the knot. Today Tomorrow. Community Computers Education Employment Entertainment. Sam Brooks Culture Editor - August 21, Tara Ward Contributing writer - August 20, Josie Adams Staff Writer - August 16, The latest season of Selling Sunset just dropped, but Tara Ward recommends that you set your expectations as low as that sun.

Tara Ward Contributing writer - August 16, Sam Brooks Culture Editor - August 15, Odessa To'o Guest writer - August 12, Catherine Woulfe reviews Upstream on the Mataura, a memoir by Gore flyfisherman Dougal Rillstone chronicling his journey along the Southland river. Catherine Woulfe Books editor - August 6, Amanda Thompson Contributing writer - August 6, The author of Crazy Rich Asians opens a new series with his exquisite brand of glitz and skewering.

Sam Brooks Culture Editor - August 3, Uther Dean Guest writer - July 30, Finding it hard to focus in this era of remote work and pandemic-induced anxiety? A scaled-down tablet and keyboard set-up might be the productivity hack you're looking for. Henry Burrell Guest writer - July 29, Members Login Profile Log out. Log in Email This email is not associated with a Spinoff Members account. Today, as President of Multicultural Tauranga, she and her volunteers are reaching out to a new generation of newcomers.

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But other matters keep cropping up: there are volunteers who would like to know what to do next; the man who was setting up a marquee has taken ill, what should be done? It really sucks you in. But I am still enjoying it. It is an experience Ann knows personally. In the early s, she was one of the many thousands of children evacuated from London to escape the blitz.

Afterwards, Ann moved back to London and worked in the civil service. We left Southampton on 22 of September and arrived on 22 of October, which happened to be Labour Day, and we went down to Wellington on the overnight train. Now that was a cultural experience. Right down to the bottom, down to Stewart Island and my mind changed.

I thought, this is a wonderful place. I have been fine ever since. A few years later, she would cancel a flight home, go on to meet the man who became her husband, and, in , move to Tauranga, where her husband had relatives. Here she raised a family and worked for the Ministry of Education and Wesley Church.

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Ann joined Multicultural Tauranga in , invited along to a meeting by a Brazilian colleague in the Ministry of Education. Over the years, she has served as secretary, treasurer and, from , president. Looking back, Ann thinks her generation of migrants, mostly from Britain, found settling in relatively easy.

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Everyone spoke English and there was hardly anybody else from any other country except the UK and a few people from Holland. It is quite different now. The country has changed and so have the migrants. And as more people from a greater range of nations have arrived, Multicultural Tauranga has found the services it offers — which include a translation service and English conversation classes —are playing an increasingly important role in helping people find their place.

Often the first encounter newcomers have with Multicultural Tauranga is at the weekly coffee meeting, says Ann. A few weeks later and they are talking to one another. It amazes me sometimes — coming from the UK where nobody talks to a foreigner. Founded in , Multicultural Tauranga is a volunteer-run community organisation that offers settlement support services and organises a number of multicultural community events. Multicultural Tauranga is part of a national network of more than 20 multicultural councils around New Zealand.

Multicultural Tauranga trmc. Jim Datson specialises in helping charities and community organisations, such as Multicultural Tauranga, become more effective. New Zealand has an outsize number of charities per head of population says Jim Datson pictured bove , the director of Project Periscope, a business providing services to charities and community organisations. At best, they might be employing someone on a part-time basis. And every year more charities are formed. In turn, this means a proliferation of boards and committees.

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Is it any wonder that organisations get into trouble. He was a good fit for the role — he had been a St John volunteer from the age of 16, had worked in operations until he began to get back pain, and had postgraduate qualifications in business. When Jim relocated to Palmerston North, he struck a marital bargain. The children had left home; his wife could now choose where the two of them would live long term. Jim is now seen as a de facto troubleshooter, called whenever a local charitable organisation finds itself in trouble, whatever the cause.

But blow me down, they got through it. In turn, Ann credits Jim with bringing a fresh, outward-looking, perspective to Multicultural Tauranga. He made us ask the difficult questions: what we want to do, why we want to do it, why are we here? New Zealand is a nation of car owners and drivers. Whether shopping, going to the dentist, getting to work, or dropping the kids off at school, we usually go by car.

Sometimes we travel by car because it suits us, and sometimes because we must: if you live in a suburb far from a bus stop, there is little choice.

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Then there is work: many job descriptions require applicants to have a New Zealand driver licence. For many migrants, this means that being able to legally drive is second only to being able to speak English as a life skill. Rural Driving Co-ordinator Wendy Hewitt says that four of the students have moved into new jobs, and that the course has improved lives in other ways as well.

They too have valued the experience, says Wendy. Many migrants arrive in New Zealand with good English language skills. In their early stages of settling in, many will require access to information in their first language to really understand how things work here.

The new service is provided by the Hamilton Multicultural Services Trust, which has been contracted to provide multilingual settlement information services nationwide. The Trust also operates the Waikato translation and interpreting service Decypher, a newcomer skills-matching service, and the Open Road driving course for former refugees. While most visa categories have English language requirements, migrants can always expect to access the information they need in their preferred language.

You can call the free phone, email, or visit the website, which lists the available languages and their numbers. The event featured student performances, DJ sets and food trucks. The event was organised by a student committee under the oversight of Welcoming Communities and Student City Palmerston North. International students were key members of the committee. Multicultural Nelson Tasman, which organises the day to celebrate cultural diversity, described it as the best yet. Muslims and non-Muslims joined in unison to read 1,year-old poems by Omar Khayyam.

Poetry was read in Farsi, English and French. The beauty of poetry pulled us together and helped us mourn. More of Us is a new anthology of poems by people who came to New Zealand as former refugees or migrants. Palmerston North City Council has published a guide to help newcomers settle into their new community.

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