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Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at PO Box , Wellington Object to an Application. Objecting to the issue of new licence: No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 1 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act Objecting to the renewal of an existing licence: No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act In the leafier suburbs you can listen to a chorus of these calls on just about any summer evening from about mid-October on—particularly if there is a light rain.

Each stroke produces a rough scraping sound—a sort of ziqq noise. A highly desirable hole, for instance, will have different resonating properties from one which is cramped, damp and badly located. This call is produced when a male weta is forced to defend his hole against an intruder. In the grey-green shade of the forest floor there are native orchids, and the seedlings of tawa, nikau and miro are pushing their way up through the leaf litter. Even so, there have been changes here. Rats, possums and hedgehogs have arrived, for example, while many of the native animals have disappeared.

David Bellamy described a visit he made to The Glen about 20 years ago. He was sitting on an old stump, absorbing the primeval tang of the place, when the stump collapsed under his weight. Peripatus—a creature which has been around for million years, making it one of the oldest residents of the wildwoods.

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But the spiders in the Botanical Gardens need no longer fear this sort of treatment, and David Bellamy may well have seen the last peripatus here. Geoff and I find no trace of them. As I probe the entrails of a fallen forest giant, some spongy timber falls away exposing. My next find is a bit of a surprise, too: Powelliphanta, no less, and quite a big one at that. Later Murray says he suspects that some molluscophile has brought some back from North-West Nelson and released them here. There are also four aspirin-sized eggs which I place in a sandwich box on a bed of leaf mould. A small flock of silver-eyes jink through the bushes, and baby rabbits seem to be bounding away from us at every turn.

Similar experiments are taking place on patches of waste ground, embankments, and roadside verges all over Wellington. Elsewhere in the city, one or two plant species often seem to predominate.

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He says that the old steam engines which ran along the Hutt Valley railway sparked many a scrub fire—very bad for the natives, but not for the gorse, which germinates best in its own ashes. Once the line was electrified in the s, however, there were fewer fires and the gorse canopy was able to reach maturity. As we drive back into town. Back in the city, we find a park in Molesworth Street and spend a few minutes watching the sparrows on the lawns of the old parliament building.

He takes an old bus ticket from his pocket and throws it on the grass near a noisy group of mostly male sparrows. One of them seizes it and starts dancing around and around, the ticket trailing from his beak.

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Hens go for the biggest badge, apparently. Nothing else happens for ages, and even Maxine is beginning to seem concerned. Bad year? Incredible, really. Later, Maxine shows me some of her photograph albums—devoted entirely to hedgehogs. Using a different technique, a small flock of shearwaters flutter close to the water surface. Once in a while an Antarctic skua will blow into the harbour, fresh from pecking the eyes out of baby seals or murdering penguin chicks out in the Antarctic Ocean. These thickset birds in their dirty brown plumage make for dramatic birdwatching as they go about their nefarious business.

Date of experience: February Wellington, New Zealand 4 contributions. I visited Tory Urban Retreat for the first time for a 45 minute massage and 30 minute sauna.

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    A hidden gem in Wellington. Date of experience: August Millie wrote a review Apr Wellington, New Zealand 2 contributions 3 helpful votes. Stairway to heaven! Date of experience: April Barbara wrote a review Apr Lot of men were nude and not covering their privates even if it was a mixed day.

    So it was a bit strange for me, not what I was expecting for a relaxing moment. By the way, the staff was often coming in and they didn't say anything regarding the nudity. It is a Finnish Sauna and therefore there is an element of nudity involved - we are sorry that you felt this way. We try extremely hard to make our space enjoyable by all and this is reflected in the fact that we have so many people who regularly come to our establishment and absolutely love it here.

    Our accommodating staff are very approachable and are always happy to go the extra mile to help any patrons out. They would have addressed the situation for you immediately if you had gone to talk with them. It's such a shame that you felt that you had to give us a harsh one star review rather than come to talk to us or email us or use the feedback forms that we provide in every locker.

    We are more than happy to refund you your money if you would like to get in contact. Thank you, Tory Urban Retreat Management.