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Remember Me. Dating Christchurch Women. The upstairs bedrooms get a great view of the stunning gardens on the property. Downstairs, the country farmhouse includes the master bedroom, another full-bathroom, as well as the living area, dining room, and a fully-equipped kitchen. There are two fireplaces, both downstairs plus additional panel heaters throughout the house.

Downstairs also includes access to the extensive outdoor areas; which include a massive back lawn, a undercover deck, multiple outdoor seating areas, and country garden. The large outdoor space included in this country property is completely private, and perfect for big groups to enjoy and play in.

Perfectly secluded, this country property, while giving you a taste of the rural heartland, is located not far from Christchurch — just minutes away from Christchurch International Airport. The farmhouse is also just a 7-minute drive from Kaiapoi and a 5-minute drive from Woodend.

On top of that, this gorgeous rural property is just a minute drive from The Pines Beach, and an 8-minute drive from Woodend beach, both lovely spots for a dip in the gorgeous Pacific Ocean. This stunning Canterbury farmhouse, on a beautiful country property, is a warm rustic retreat, not too far from civilisation — a perfect getaway for your stay. The principal functions of Parliament are to enact laws, supervise the Government's administration, vote supply, provide a government, and redress grievances by way of petition. The Constitution Act forbids the House to allocate public funds for any purpose unless first recommended by the Crown.

Although the reasons for this provision are historical, it is also used by governments to defeat legislation brought forward by individual members which ministers are unwilling to support or adopt. On the other hand, the law forbids the Crown to tax citizens without express parliamentary approval.

Perhaps the most important privilege of the House is that of freedom of speech, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights , and claimed by the Speaker upon confirmation in office by the Governor-General. The House meets in answer to a summons from the Governor-General. Sessions of Parliament are marked by a formal opening when the Government's legislative programme is described in the Speech from the Throne, read by the Governor-General in the absence of the Sovereign, and a closing prorogation by proclamation.

Because control of the House's business lies with the Government, many of the rules and customs of the House are designed to ensure that members are given a full opportunity to debate any aspect of government proposals. A central figure in Parliament is the Speaker, who is elected to act as an impartial chairman when the House is in session. The Speaker controls debates and the conduct of members, and ensures the Standing Orders are complied with. The Speaker is assisted by the Clerk of the House of Representatives who notes all proceedings of the House and of any committee of the House, and provides advice on parliamentary law and custom.

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Mabel Howard was born in Adelaide, and emigrated to New Zealand with her father and sisters in In she took a commercial course at Christchurch Technical College, and in the same year became involved in politics, joining the Christchurch Socialist Party. Following her father's active interest in the Trade Union movement, Howard held the position of assistant secretary and secretary of the Canterbury Labourers' Union before being appointed national secretary of the New Zealand Federated Labourers' Union in the first woman to hold such a position in an all-male trade union organisation.

A year later she contested the by-election for the Christchurch East seat and won on the Labour ticket. She became the Labour member for Sydenham in , holding the seat until her retirement in Howard was a woman of strong convictions, particularly where women's equal rights were concerned, and she is remembered for her forthright approach. She is most famous for her display of outsize women's bloomers in Parliament, demonstrating the poor quality of women's clothing, and the need for measurements to be given in inches. In addition to her devotion to women's issues, she also had a love of animals.

This concern motivated her to fight successfully to enact the first Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Bill in New Zealand's first woman Cabinet minister, Mabel Howard.

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Parliamentary opposition. As the name suggests, it is the job of the opposition party with the highest number of seats to oppose the Government. Its role is to present itself to the people as an alternative government. It will attack government policy and attempt to demonstrate inefficiency, and government or departmental mismanagement. The party system means it is unlikely that the Opposition could bring down a government by a no-confidence vote—there has been no instance of a successful no-confidence vote in the New Zealand Parliament since Parliamentary Committee of the Knights of Labour published a political platform which included the franchise of women.

Mere Mangakahia led a deputation of women to the Maori parliament seeking the right to vote and sit in the Assembly. Seddon introduced the Electoral Bill. Hall presents petitions during reading. Third reading delayed. Three hundred yards of signed petition presented to Parliament were rolled out in front of members. The Suffrage Petition was signed by 31 out of New Zealand adult women. Third reading of the Electoral Bill. Second reading of the Electoral Bill in the Legislative Council. Women's suffrage passed through New Zealand legislature by votes in the council.

Government accepts Bill.

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Anti-suffrage petition presented to the Governor. Governor-General assented to Electoral Bill at a. Evening Post sent out electoral enrolment forms with every copy of the paper with instructions on how to complete them.

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New Zealand women voted for the first national elections. The House of Representatives is characterised by having two large, dominant parties, with the majority party forming the Government and the minority party forming the Opposition. In recent years, however, members of a third party have been elected to Parliament, and from time to time members have left one of the parties and have continued to sit as independent members. Because of the growth of a largely two-party system and the importance that the parties have assumed within the political framework, the party caucus a meeting of each party's members of Parliament in closed session at regular intervals, once a week when Parliament is in session is a primary means of developing policies and tactics.

Source: Department of Justice. Process of legislation. There are three types of bill: public bills, which deal with the most important subjects of a public and general nature most public bills are introduced by the Government ; local bills, which are promoted by local authorities to give themselves special powers or validate unlawful action they may have taken; and private bills, which are promoted by private individuals or companies also to give themselves special powers.

The procedure for passing a public bill in the House of Representatives is for it to receive a first reading, which is a formal introductory stage, allowing a maximum debating time of two hours.