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Many of the Kiwi singles who use our site are busy professionals , aged between 30 and This is why we aim to help streamline the online dating process. By offering our premium members highly targeted, compatible matches each day, along with a streamlined iOS or Android dating app , we help focus the dating selection. This means that our members have time to thoughtfully analyse each new profile to see who might fit best. Nearly three years ago, gay marriage became legal in NZ.

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Over 50 Lesbian Dating | Dating for 50+ single lesbians in New Zealand

Lesbian Dating. I am Please indicate your gender. When you join an online dating servce such as 50 Lesbian, instead of sending an advert to a loacal newspaper or magazine, you wsimply post a brief profile about yourself online using your PC or mobile phone, from the comfort of your own home. You can also upload a photo of yourself to your profile, right from you smartphone.

Once your profile is live, you will start to receive winks and messages from other dating members. You can also start using simple search tools to search and browse local members you'd like to meet. With so many members across the country, ours is one of New Zealand's longest running and most trusted lesbian dating websites for the over 50's, with award winning customer service.

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Our service and the tools we offer are as simple to use as possible, but should you find yourself a little stuck, support is just a click away, no matter what the problem might be. We take your safety and privacy very seriously. Your personal details are kept under lock and key. Are you a single lesbian in your fifties looking to find love again? Are you sick of the games and miscommunication in dating and want something serious from your love life? Are you looking to settle down with a likeminded mature lesbian single? Our site was created to help bring together likeminded singles who want romance, love and long term relationships.

We want to take the hard work and stress out of dating and give you the chance to find exactly what works for you! Dating as a mature lesbian should be filled with fun, laughter and butterflies, there should be no need to be worrying about potential matches, game playing or the sad side to dating. Here at 50 Lesbian, we work hard to help you match with singles who are actually suited to you and your lifestyle. When you become a member of 50 Lesbian you'll be able to create your own profile.

This is your first great opportunity to show off everything that is amazing about you! Your profile is where you should share the best and real parts of your life - are you into baking? Share your life behind the kitchen counter! They paid for the court case and we talked about the case and our relationship to the media.

We asked that she be protected while the case was in court, so she could at least stay here. Because the Immigration Office kept appealing, that case went to the Riigikohus Supreme Court of Estonia , the first case where it could take a stance on same-sex issues. We provide a psychologist, peer-to-peer counselling, and a library, where high school and university students can do research.

Our education co-ordinator has been training teachers and going into schools to talk with kids about those things. The association has also received occasional project funding from groups like the Council of Nordic Ministers and the Open Society Foundation, set up by billionaire George Soros to promote inclusive democracies. Most of us are lesbian in the association; we have only one man, who is trans. Any field that is underpaid will be mostly women, but especially activism.

In the first year a few hundred people marched, but numbers dwindled. Estonia hosted the event in , and in July , with Kristiina as project manager. We thought if we got people we would have exceeded all our expectations.

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We got about 2, people, which was pretty amazing. But we only had one Bible-waving lady and a friend, and a couple more who were just ridiculous rather than threatening. Most of the Pride events were full or over-subscribed. The first Pride conference was full with just over people. Lots of high school students and younger women came out, more than any other group. Ladyfest, a grass-roots, international feminist festival in Tallinn, has been organised from the same networks for seven years, rotating between different organisers, including Kristiina.

She has also been an organiser for Queer Planet, which was started by people at the Anarchist Social Centre. Lots of queer and non-binary young people come, very few guys. We welcome your suggestions of websites, books, films and any other media of interest to lesbians and queer women.

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We appreciate the original cartoons provided by Helen Courtney. This one, Flight of fancy , seems to fit particularly well with Media. Season 1 of this original Wellington-based webseries covered the adventures of three lesbian flatmates. It was hugely popular and award-winning, and was selected for several festivals. Debs Anji Kreft, left with director Ness Simons. This season is not organised around the dinners, but life, drama — and humour — continue.

Debs is working out how to trust in a relationship again, Beth is wrapped up in her romance with Anna, and Mel is left wondering what to do when her friends have moved on without her.

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Keep up-to-date via the website and Facebook. Heather was born in Tauranga, trained as a teacher in Auckland and brought up her son Carrick in Matata and Christchurch. Wellington-based organiser Marian Evans is keen to hear from any women holding artwork by Sharon Alston for the exhibition, as well as anyone holding copies of any AWCVideos. See the LNA obituary for Heather. Jenny R. There had been earlier events in Dunedin and Wellington.

Memories were experienced and shared: Broadsheet, the reviews, the plays, the books, … That made it a noisy crowd, too, so it was helpful to have Hilz start things off. As to the book itself. I come to it from having read all the novels, having seen some of the plays and reviews.

Some of these stories are mine, those of friends of mine. I love the format of the book: 88 patches, one for every year of her life. It started being planned at 86, so you can imagine what would happen if you procrastinate too much about getting a book like this published.

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  4. Some are pieces from other works, and have a lovely familiar feel. Some are newly written for this work. The style is friendly, chatty, and has a sense of a real New Zealand voice. You can dip in and out, trying — or not — to make order out of the jumbled time. How would this work for younger lesbians?