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Come and see the amazing line-up of fresh and original, high quality hand-made craft at Craft Harvest. With new stallholders participating all the time, there's always something new to discover. We start off with personality profiling which leads to how you communicate with people who are different to you.

Read more Date: 05 February to 03 December This is a one-day practical hands-on workshop aimed at beginners. Designed to get you on the path to using your DSLR or mirrorless digital camera with full understanding and creative control. This is a one-day, practical, hands-on workshop aimed at an intermediate level. An in-depth guide using your DSLR or mirrorless digital camera with full understanding and creative control.

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Join us for a one day fine-art printing workshop and learn how set up print files, using a colour managed workflow to turn them into professional grade prints. Read more Date: 22 March to 06 December Rose offers Pilates classes for the healthy person who wishes to experience a positive, exercise-based way to balance mind and body. Improve your flexibility, posture, muscle strength and balance. Own mat required. Thursday 10 September Event price: Including a complimentary drink and finger food!

If you don't hit it off, it's only five minutes out of your life! We look forward to seeing you there! Get directions. Zack's Bar, Parnell, Auckland. All Ages. Find out about listing on Aucklandnz. Powered by. Auckland Speed Dating 20—35 Yrs. In this area. Auckland Museum, Parnell. Auckland Museum tells the story of New Zealand, its place in the Pacific and its people. Quickly they explained that you pay at the register and not at the table.

Soon I figured out this was standard around NZ.

Likewise, you usually have to go up and grab a jug of water and cups. Same goes for water. They have sinks or jugs set up for you to grab it yourself. First world problems. The brunch culture will blow your mind. Heavy pancakes. Crispy French toast. Fluffy poached eggs smothered in decadent Hollandaise sauce. One of my favorite things about home was brunching with friends on the weekends.

One of the things I hated most about Spain was the total dearth of brunch spots to be found. Lucky for me, NZ is the best of both worlds and has an amazing brunch scene. In addition to a great foodie scene, there is a thriving cafe culture which means awesome coffee all the time. For example, when I get a nonfat or skinny latte, here they call it a trim latte. Makes me feel so classy. Wellington is actually the coolest little capital in the world. I talked before about how much hype Wellington was getting and how it initially put me off living there. But then I arrived and fell head over heels in love with this city.

That is, if they ever leave the studios. Finding Peter Jackson has been harder than I thought. One month into my time in Wellington and I have yet to find and shake hands with the most famous son of New Zealand apart from Sir Edmund Hillary , the man, the myth, the legend — Peter Jackson. Windy Wellington lives up to its name.

Auckland Speed Dating 20–35 Yrs

My first week living in Wellington we had an earthquake. Climbing into bed, I was closing my eyes when the room started to shake. My hopes that it was just a big gust of the famous wind were dashed when my roommate popped his head in to check on me. I know there are more and more bigger earthquakes happening in New Zealand, and let me just preface this by saying I am SO not ready for a big one. Can I just stick with Candy Crush?

New Plymouth New Zealand

No drunken behavior. I learned real fast my first month in NZ that I had to bring my passport out with me to the bars to show ID. NZ is also pretty vigilant about drunken behavior.

One of my last nights in Wellington I was out at a bar with friends and while we were waiting for drinks, a group of young drunk guys were getting rowdy on the dancefloor. Suddenly, I saw one of the bouncers head over to kick him out.

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Causing a scene, eventually the guy picked him up and carried the dude out on his shoulders. The kid was so waster he was high-fiving and cheering everyone on his way out. Fingers crossed it will all work out for the best. No matter where you are in NZ, you are approximately 15 minutes from somewhere spectacularly beautiful. New Zealand is ridiculously beautiful. This is probably my favorite thing about NZ. I need beautiful landscapes and lush natural spots to feel comfortable and at peace. Lucky for me, New Zealand has that in strides. I already love New Zealand to pieces and I never want to leave.

Only a month in and I can already see myself settling in NZ permanently. It already feels like home to me. Have you ever been to New Zealand? Is it on your bucket list? While for many, visiting a farmers' market was as much of an opportunity to socialize as it was an opportunity to shop for fresh produce, keep in mind that outdoor markets are now an essential business serving people's basic food needs, and lingering for social purposes will be largely discouraged. Here are some of the changes you may see at your local farmers' market that you'll need to abide by:.

Although some open-area markets have resorted to selling their produce direct to consumer via restaurants and online, the warmer weather and their large-area outdoor format is sure to make them attractive destinations for grocery shoppers soon. Stay informed and get the latest coronavirus food news delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for our newsletter.

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This is the one place shoppers feel safe. By Mura Dominko. Eat This, Not That! Here are the precautions you should be taking at the grocery store, the foods you should have on hand, the meal delivery services and restaurant chains offering takeout you need to know about, and ways you can help support those in need.