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    After that i completed my post graduation in operations and production from Christchurch New Zealand. My outlook towards life is mo Hi, I am Name Visible on Login originally from Hoshiarpur, currently living in Auckland, I am looking for someone here in New Zealand who can be my partner for life, thanks you Hello Everyone, I am brother of Name Visible on Login I am here in Newzealand from last 10 years and my brother is here more than 5 years now and we are looking for a perfact match for him now am glad you are Hey,, this is my homepage, so I have to say something about myself.

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    Let me give a It arose out of a domestic service registry or labour exchange founded in by Englishman Thomas Brown Hannaford. Domestic service registries were operating from the s, offering to find employment for servants who were experienced in general domestic work. In Hannaford supplied a detailed description to the Observer of the process undertaken for assessing new male clients, providing some insight into how his business operated. They were also asked to provide a photograph, although this same requirement did not apply to women. Information required included full name, address and age; religion; state of health; marital status; occupation; average income per annum; and the name of a character referee who could vouch for them.

    In using questionnaires to obtain a general overview of the applicant, Hannaford utilized what would become the established best practice of matrimonial agencies. When Heather Jenner and Mary Oliver established the Heather Jenner Matrimonial Agency in London in , a combination of questionnaire and personal, business-like interview was also used to screen applicants. Hannaford, for instance, regularly and repeatedly drew attention to his scrupulous discretion and professional business practices in his advertisements. Hannaford also informed all potential clients in this letter that he would not tolerate anyone attempting to make a mockery of either himself or his business, and that he and his agency were to be taken seriously.

    As with any business, advertising was key to ensuring a steady supply of clientele, and therefore income. Ideally, once a successful match was made, there should be no possibility of repeat business, so it was essential for the agencies to replace clients who had made a match with new customers. The more respectable or high value the agency appeared to be, the more likely it was to attract clients, especially those from a higher and therefore wealthier stratum of society. Through their advertisements, agencies emphasized qualities of reliability, trustworthiness, genuineness and discretion.

    Mme Dwere, an Auckland agency, used advertisements to indicate that both the business and clientele were a cut above the regular agencies. By the early s, its name and business were so well- known in Auckland that business-like advertisements were placed, with little or no hyperbolic marketing description of either the client or the agency itself.

    Despite efforts to build a positive reputation, there was a public perception that those who used agencies risked becoming victims of crime. In the Nelson Evening Mail published a salacious report of a married Australian man who had advertised for a wife through a matrimonial agency, had swindled sums of money from women who had replied to him, and had committed bigamy. A court case revealed he was married, and that his mother was very much alive. Agencies were particularly associated with the crime of bigamy, where the client of the agency passed himself off as single while still legally married.

    In , year-old retired farmer Alfred Mitchell met an year-old girl through an un-named matrimonial agency. Truth particularly sought to expose any hint of financial fraud. Truth focused on the financial outlay required of clients to access the full range of services Underdown offered. Filling in a form attracted a registration fee of 10s 6d. Not only could they find the bride or groom, but all aspects of the wedding itself could be arranged by the agent. They can then be married any day or hour they like without the least trouble on their part, everything being done for them.

    Other agencies offered the same or similar services. All aspects of the wedding, from arranging the licence, booking the church and minister and finding witnesses, down to such details as flowers and the wedding ring itself, could be organized by the matrimonial agent.

    Not only were clients potentially putting themselves in danger of being swindled or worse, but when things went awry public ridicule was also a very real risk for both agencies and their clients. In , both the male and female clients of an agency found themselves in court over a financial debt that had not been repaid before the anticipated wedding, which was subsequently called off.

    By reporting that they had met through the offices of a matrimonial agency, the journalist reiterated to the general public that they then effectively got what they deserved. With their names published in a widely- read metropolitan newspaper, public scorn and ridicule might possibly have fallen upon them, their children both had been married prior , and perhaps their respective wider circles of family and friends.

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    The names of the agencies concerned, however, were not reported. Matrimonial Agency Clientele By , there were 13 matrimonial agencies in operation, mainly in Auckland. This suggests a growing acceptability of such agencies, with a resultant upsurge in market share as their customers, particularly women see Table 2 , sought their services. Reports that agencies were becoming socially acceptable elsewhere may have encouraged women to place their faith, and money, with a matrimonial agent.

    In a New Zealand journalist suspected those who sought out the services of an agency were mainly the shy and bashful, or from rural areas. Both widows and widowers, for instance, frequently described themselves in advertisements as being lonely, and looking for companionship. Practical and emotional motivations, therefore, were strong incentives for both widows and widowers to use the services of a matrimonial agency.

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    Those who used agencies to seek marriage partners were, however, representative of a broad range of ages and situations in life. Of these, female advertisers were the highest group Table 1. From the total of unique advertisements, those placed by agencies containing multiple clients were excluded from Table 1, as the ages of the individuals concerned ranged widely, and each multiple client advertisement was treated as a single insertion. As Table 1 illustrates, women in the 20—40 age group were substantially more likely to state their age than men in the same age band.

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    • The majority of female advertisers represented themselves as within these prime child-bearing years. As the range of ages increased, the number of advertisers, both private and agency, decreased. The proportion of women utilizing agencies remained higher for all stated ages than those who placed private advertisements, however.

      More women placing private advertisements stated their ages in an indeterminate way as elderly, young or no age at all than those going through agencies. During the first three decades of the twentieth century unmarried men consistently outnumbered unmarried women in the general population, but single women were the greatest users of advertisements by the s, increasing sharply in the interwar period see Table 2. This is a remarkable increase, considering the tarnished reputation of these businesses, and the heavy weighting accorded to respectability on the list of desirable attributes for potential husbands.

      Similarly, the number of female clients remained somewhat less than that of males initially but increased substantially in and then again in Female clients consistently outnumbered male clients for the years , and Women may have turned to matrimonial agencies as their leisure time reduced with increased employment outside the home. Greater opportunities for waged positions became available, with office, retail and industrial work opening up for single women in the first third of the twentieth century.