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Forecasts and warnings may be updated at any time - always check metservice. A strong and unsettled west to northwest flow persists across southern and central New Zealand, bringing periods of rain to Fiordland. Strong wind gusts could damage trees, powerlines and unsecured structures. Driving may be hazardous, especially for high-sided vehicles and motorcycles. Please note, another period of strong northwest winds are expected from overnight Sunday or early Monday morning and further wind watch or warning will be issued.

Rainfall amounts may approach warning criteria. Area: Canterbury coast and plains, including Banks Peninsula Valid: 13 hours from pm Saturday to am Sunday Forecast: Northwest winds may approach severe gale at times. In New Zealand, MetService classifies a thunderstorm as severe if one or more of the following criteria are met:. Note: some tornadic systems such as funnel clouds, waterspouts and small land-based tornadoes are possible with thunderstorms that may not be classified as severe.

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MetService will issue a Severe Weather Warning whenever there is an expectation that any of the following weather conditions will occur within the next 24 hours:. Severe Weather Warnings are classified into one of two categories — Orange Warnings or Red Warnings — depending on the expected severity and impact of the event. The majority of warnings issued will be Orange Warnings, with Red Warnings reserved for only the most extreme weather events. MetService will issue a Severe Weather Watch whenever there is an expectation that conditions may deteriorate to the thresholds specified for the issue of a Severe Weather Warning:.

Advice of severe weather is in the national interest since in most severe weather events, if sufficient warning is provided, actions to reduce the risk of loss of life and property can be taken.


MetService is the Official Alerting Authority and provides information about potential severe weather with the stipulation that those conveying that information comply with the above Code. In the event that MetService believes there has been a breach of any of these conditions, MetService will advise the Ministry and will agree with the Ministry whether it is appropriate to suspend the provision of information about severe weather to the person or organisation that is in breach. This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.

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