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We also specialise in investment properties, providing advice about where the highest returns can be made and managing the property for you. We can make your entire real estate experience — from buying to renting, insuring to financing — a breeze from start to finish. Contact us today.

Auckland City to Auckland Airport!

Kiwisaver is a voluntary, work-based savings initiative. Please visit the following site to see if you qualify for this scheme:. You will need to set up a bank account in Auckland so your salary can be paid into it. For a list of registered banks visit the following site:. Following are some known banks which might be of some help:.

If you are interested in banking with Westpac, it would be worth contacting them.

To address any enquiries for Migrant Banking either you can contact Migrantbanking asb. The International Banking Services team can be contacted directly on ibs anz.

Contact us | Immigration New Zealand

New Zealand is strict when it comes to relocating animals from overseas due to biosecurity controls. For further information you will need to research requirements here. If you are only importing cats and dogs their requirements are found here and a useful guide on this is found here. Kennels must collect the animal from the airport in a MAF approved vehicle, so you would not need to worry about collecting your pet yourself.

The New Zealand culture is a combination of a number of foreign influences including: English, Scottish, Irish, American, Asian, Australian and the original Maori tribes. The country is also experiencing an increase in visitors from southern Asia, giving New Zealand a truly multi-cultural feel. There has been a recent renaissance for the original Maori dialect, which is often used to promote the country. The overall population of New Zealand is heavily influenced by European descendants, with British and Irish connections by far and away the strongest.

The country itself is well known for its strong Maori background, dance, music and to a lesser extent TV and media. New Zealanders have a lot of similarities with other English speakers however we do have a few sayings of our own. You can listen to our national anthem on YouTube here. Over the years, the Auckland Region has welcomed countless doctors from overseas to live and work in our hospitals. Each doctor brings with them their own unique experience, advice and information. We offer a 'Buddy Program' for doctors relocating from overseas.

We connect you with a doctor currently working in the Auckland region from the same country and in the same specialty as you where possible. They are then able to show your the ropes in getting settled in Auckland and are a fount of knowledge.

International students

If you have accepted an offer of employment and are due to begin working in Auckland, contact your recruiter to request a 'buddy' today. Otherwise, click through to our Peer Connect page for other ways to connect in. You may need to post a few personal items to Auckland prior to leaving home. You can do this as follows:. Do check the terms and conditions thoroughly before using the service. Their website suggests that you do not need to register for this but it would be to good to drop a quick email to NZ post just to ensure that the Auckland address remains unchanged for this service.

It appears they have only one location in Auckland:. You may expect a response by close of business the next working day. Ensure you check with your airlines carrier regarding their baggage allowance. If you want to bring more of your personal belongings you can use a relocation company. Some relocations companies include, but are not limited to:.

Airport updates

The New Zealand social benefits system is non-contributory, i. There is however a compulsory Accident Compensation Corporation ACC that all employees and employers must contribute to. It provides compensation payments to those injured at work.

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The traditional social security benefits of income support, health care, etc are all available to residents of New Zealand. Search words: Auckland Doctors. Inland Revenue is the government department that collects taxes — it is popularly referred to as the IRD.

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The New Zealand tax year is from 1 April to 31 March. Most people pay their taxes as they earn their income. Employers deduct tax on salary and wages. Banks and other financial institutions deduct tax on interest as it is derived. People who do not pay tax on all of their income as it is earned are required to file tax returns at the end of the tax year 31 March.

In most cases, Inland Revenue will send you all the material you need to file tax returns and make payment.

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An IRD number is a unique identifying number that you use for all your contacts with Inland Revenue similar to a bank account number. This rate is much higher than the standard deduction rates and will significantly reduce the net income you receive. Getting around New Zealand is easy, whether you drive, or use public transport, walk or bike! We drive on the left-hand side of the road, and we give way to cars coming from your right at a roundabout. At crosswalks you must give way to pedestrians. Institution details. Departments School of Education.

School of Specialist Trades. School of Logistics. School of Digital Technologies. School of Social Work and Sport.

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  • School of Languages, Literacy and Numeracy. School of Hospitality. New Zealand Maritime School. School of Building and Civil Construction.