Chris MacSaveny = (Web + App) Developer

Helpful Drupal 9 Code Snippets

3 years 5 months ago

I continually went to my views embed code through the life of Drupal 7. So lets continue that tradition with posting some of the snippets that are helping the most with Drupal 9.

MacSavACody Cup 2021

3 years 10 months ago

New this year is the birdie point! Whoever has more birdies than the other for a round gets a point. Sometimes there won’t be a birdie point if no one gets a birdie.

MacSavACody Cup 2020 Pandemic Edition

4 years 9 months ago

Golfing in the age of the pandemic.

MacSavACody Cup 2019

5 years 8 months ago

2019 is here and that means another season of the cup.

SQLite Unity and Android - Multiple issues and how I fixed them

6 years 8 months ago

Sqlite is an extremely useful technology for building mobile apps. It has some challenges to get it to work in both iOS and Android.

MacSavACody Cup 2018

6 years 8 months ago

Who will win in the epic battle of Chris VS Kyle on the course in 2018?

Flexbox is better than floating or tables for dynamic rows of items

6 years 10 months ago

Here is another bit of code I find myself looking up recently. Flexbox is my new favorite layout tool.  It lets you set even boxes in a row with perfect space between the element and not on the outside.  It is surprisingly easy to use and gives you a perfect way to lay out dynamic content.  Here is the base code to use on the container:

Don't Kill The Fish is available for iOS and Android

7 years 11 months ago

Don't Kill The Fish is available for iOS and Android

Our third game is out for both Android and iOS!  Please download it for your tablet or phone here:

Edges Endless is Out!

8 years 3 months ago

You can download Edges Endless for iPhones and iPads at  You can read up on the description and watch the video at

Edges - A Puzzle Challenge Is Now Free

8 years 4 months ago

A one month autopsy of the launch of my first iOS game.

How to market your mobile game in 2016

8 years 6 months ago

The programming has been done, the game is up, the marketing materials have been created.  Now it is time to get people to see it.  You have a number of options, and there is no silver bullet.  Here are the methods that we have used so far to promote Edges - A Fun Puzzle Challenge.

The Beta Test of Edges

8 years 7 months ago

One of the tutorial levels in Edges beta

My first app.  Edges is a puzzle game about matching.  The goal is to match the colored edges of all the squares on the board.  An easy concept, however, the game will get quite challenging.  The game is currently only planned for iPhone and iPad devices.

Close to 100 hours and 3 weeks of coding and finally the beta is under review for Test Flight beta testing.

Equal inner table cell spacing - just CSS width and padding

8 years 8 months ago

Instead of padding the left and right side of all your table cells you only want to pad the inner cells.  You want the table of images, perhaps, to fill the entire content area, but you want the images spaced the same inside the content.

Also, you may not have control over the markup of the site, and need to just use width and padding for the four cells.

MacSavACody Cup 2016

8 years 9 months ago

Who will win in the epic battle of Chris VS Kyle on the course in 2016?

DIY Woodworking Puzzle Frame

8 years 11 months ago

DIY Woodworking Puzzle Frame

The secret of this is buying little square dowels and gluing them to 1x2s.  You need a pocket to put the puzzle in, so without a router this seemed like the best way to do it.

After you have the pocket, the frame is simply mitered together and glued.

Woodworking Key Table

8 years 11 months ago

Made from Pine.  My own design, joined by pocket screws.  My favorite piece of furniture to date.

A Woodworking Bookcase

9 years 4 months ago

A Woodworking Bookcase - Anna White Plans

Built from the plans here:  Its become quite the collector of things in our living room.

My First Piece of Woodworking Furniture - Our Coffee Table

9 years 5 months ago

My First Piece of Woodworking Furniture - Our Coffee Table

My first piece of furniture out of my own design.  I learned a lot here.  You definitely want to glue up a table top like this, it took forever to do it with pocket screws.  I would also not have made it so chunky at the bottom of the table.

Only Set The Viewport Width For Mobile Devices

10 years 3 months ago

I know I am going to need this again. This saved me from a decent into madness figuring out why I couldnt get the iPad view to look right. Normally I don't make the iPad view of the site responsive. I just give the user the desktop experience. So setting the viewport to always use "width=device-width" was making the iPad have to scroll to see the 960 pixel width.

Scroll My Site - Easy Automatic Scrolling

11 years 2 months ago

My first web app has hit the internet.  Whether that crash will ignite world peace and cure cancer is up in the air, but one thing is for certain.  It's something that's not out there currently.

Changing The Default Value Of A Form Field In Your Custom Drupal 7 Module

11 years 3 months ago

I guess I couldnt stay in the dark about hooks forever.  They are actually quite useful.  Here was my problem:

I am using a custom profile type for a drupal commerce site in drupal 7.  It is a simple profile type with one simple text field called "From Name".  All I wanted to do was have this be prepopulated with the default value from their last order.  

Rex The Bloodhound Is Cozy

11 years 3 months ago

Awwww. Good boy.

How To Easily Make A Quick Module In Drupal 7

11 years 3 months ago

How To Easily Make A Quick Module In Drupal 7

I still dont completely understand hooks and all that.  This is maily to have a library of functions you can use across themes.  I used to put everything in template.php, cause ya know, it works.  However then when i was in my admin theme i would get errors of "undefined functions."

Simple 3D Book Opening Effect For All Browsers

11 years 4 months ago

I first have to recognize this awesome web tool by microsoft.  It finally cleared up how to do this transition for me.  It shows a live preview of all these confusing css tranform properties.  As always, If you can get it to work in internet explorer you are pretty much guaranteed...

Browserstack helps you test your site in all browsers

11 years 6 months ago

Browserstack helps you test your site in all browsers

I always forget what site this is when I need it the most, so I'm listing it here.  This site is the perfect solution to test your site in a multitude of browsers.  I am always hearing from clients some wierd design issue on ie7 or ie9.  This site lets you virtually use basically every browser loaded with developer tools.

The site has shadows thanks to cssmatic

11 years 7 months ago

The site has shadows thanks to cssmatic is my new favorite site. Shadows were a bit of a mystery to me Before. I would try to match colors and mess with the blurs and offsets to get the right look. However it just didnt seem that real.  Inset shadows were out of the question, and shadows were either black or a darker color than the background color.

Drupal 7 subfolder forwarding error in the .htaccess file

11 years 7 months ago

This was an odd problem.  All of the sites on our server are in sub folders.  So this site is actually  The problem seemed to occur out of nowhere, but my guess is GoDaddy updated apache in some form.  So at around 3:00 half of my sites lost their background styles.

My Current Portfolio at Cowley

12 years 2 months ago

My Current Portfolio at Cowley

My current professional video and web development work (2011 to present) can all be found on my company's portfolio page.

The majority of the design work is done by my coworker Jesse Clayton, but I manage to do some interpretations on his design.

Jquery Slide to Top and Bottom of the Page

12 years 3 months ago

Jquery Slide to Top and Bottom of the Page

Pieced together from the internet. This code should give you that nice slide action to the bottom and top of the page.

Rex The Bloodhound Vs A Mouse

12 years 3 months ago

Rex The Bloodhound Vs A Mouse

Rex traps and sort of tortures a poor mouse.

I had to kill the guy cause Rex just wouldnt do it

Apps, Daria, and Trent

12 years 3 months ago

One of the first things I painted.

Simple Node Pager for the Menu System in Drupal 7

12 years 3 months ago

Simple Node Pager for the Menu System in Drupal 7

Ive been working with drupal 7 for about a year...  Self taught.  I like it.  

Its very coder friendly... But at the same time can be very intuitive for clients... As long as you set the site up correctly...


12 years 5 months ago


Main site for Cowley Associates.

Built in Drupal 7.  Features the portfolio, bog, and services.

Redesigned the site from a flat looking flash site. Easily my best work to date.

Check it out at

Using db_query in Drupal 7

12 years 6 months ago

Using db_query in Drupal 7

Quick script showing how to use db_query in drupal 7.

Also shown is how to get the location module to sort by distance using "Use PHP code to determine latitude/longitude" given a zip code argument.

$zip = '';
if (isset($_GET['zip'])){
  $zip = $_GET['zip'];

Rex The Bloodhound Vs A Jar Of Peanut Butter

12 years 6 months ago

Rex The Bloodhound Vs A Jar Of Peanut Butter

A nice treat for Rex is the remains of our jars of peanutbutter.

Rex usually wins.

The Door

12 years 8 months ago

The Door - A painting by Chris MacSaveny

Inserting a View anywhere in a page in Drupal 7

12 years 10 months ago

Inserting a View anywhere in a page in Drupal 7

Heres a simple bit of code that will let you insert a view anywhere in a node.  This is more efficient then making a page version of a view and giving it a path.

In my opinion this code is one of the most critcal snippets for any Drupal 7 developer.  Its a basic buiding block in any site I build.

You can still use your regular node formts/meta tags/etc.

Chris MacSaveny

12 years 11 months ago

Chris macsaveny

Hello. My name is Chris MacSaveny.

I code, play guitar, snowboard, play golf, and dabble with painting and design.  I am also now a homeowner, wood worker, and DIY guy.

Mad Men Painting

12 years 11 months ago

Just a painting of the mad men logo.

Featured at

UR Dealer Services

12 years 11 months ago

Not really that great from a design perspective... Although the logo isnt terrible.

The website is a functional powerhouse though. Built from the ground up in, dealers from all over the world use it to exchange faulty auto radios. It also has an administration area where the employees of Ur fill the claims.

Rex The Bloodhound

12 years 11 months ago

This is my dog rex sleeping in his papasan/dog bed.

Hes a oneish year old bloodhound/coonhound.

He is strong and has a weak digestive system.